Panic attacks and energy based Trauma particularly childhood trauma. Basically our minds are the most amazing pieces of kit. They are a feeling sensing moving mass of information and intelligence. Generally this movement of intelligence moves around outside of awareness and does its job in the same way your subconscious drives the car while you’re off daydreaming about the other tasks you have to do at work, at home or at the weekend. It only brings things to your attention that you need to know otherwise it just works in the background to keep the show on the road. Emotions are information messengers that bring to our awareness information about things that affect us or are of relevance to our immediate environment
(As a small explanation of our energy system I might say we are like bottles of 7-up. Each bubble of energy that rises up has an energetic message for us about our system, insight or environment. When received it just dissolves, job done. That’s why they call it emotional intelligence.

If we suppress it as we can do unconsciously its energetic charge stays active in our energy system looking for expression forever if it takes. It never does as our Universal intelligence will find a way to bring our attention to it eventually, whatever it takes. This is how we experience ground hog days in certain aspects of our lives until we find someone to unlock or decipher the message we are unable to and dissolve the frustrating often painful lack of success in those areas. Once that bubble of energy has delivered its undelivered message it dissolves and a wave of successful outcomes flood into your life in this and other areas.
When you’re energy system is free to flow freely like a stream with no obstructions its like a magic boat that will take you anywhere you want to go with effortless ease. This is Law of Attraction working effortless for you. Beyond that you may even come to know that you could not come to know all that universe has to give and may allow that state of unknowing to guide you bubble by bubble to treasures beyond anticipation).
When someone has a shock their mind and bodily energy system freeze around the shock as sometimes you hear of a bullet becoming encapsulated in the body as the tissue adapts around it. This bullet can stay in the body for years because the mind and body like to know where things are. The mind and or body essentially adapts to work around the trap trauma so that it can survive and get on with its business.
Now essentially there are two parts of our mind. The surface part whose job is survival and keeping the show on the road at all costs. It wants to suppress all awareness of that trapped energy bubble (trauma.) and will essentially deny its existence in its efforts to keep anything unpleasant out of your awareness. The other part , the subconscious is always seeking wholeness and expression and so wants anything that’s suppressed pitched out. It understands that to keep a bubble of energy trapped (energetic trauma) suppressed comes at great cost to the individual for like the ball held down under water at the pool it takes a lot of energy to hold it down. When the pressure is released that keeps it down the ball whooshes into the air as the energy is released.
In a person most often the energetic component of a trauma is still in the body and very often cant be talked out. It needs to release in a different way as the part of the mind protecting that bubble and holding it in place is doing a great job. When a trauma has been re experienced and released in a therapy room the client may feel as if they had gone 2 rounds with Mike Tyson for about 24hours after which the energy previously consumed keeping the trauma released becomes integrated and available to the person to live. The presenting phobia or trigger of Panic is no longer live in fact its dissolved, disappeared forever.
Its important to realise that the panic attack trigger is not necessarily the source of the panic. The mind may have switched it sideways (displaced) onto something else to further disassociate from the original trauma.
Now the suppressed bubble (trauma) may often give the client an uneasy feeling, possibly of impending doom or disaster as they feel something isn’t ok but are cut off from the core understanding of what it is and so the imagination may go into overdrive speculating the worst when the reality may be far more innocent. Not all repressed trauma (energy bubbles) are dreadful events simply events that the client may have been ill equipped to deal with at the time and so they remain in almost suspended animation for many years out of awareness but still exerting an emotive influence on the clients experience and enjoyment of ease and peace of mind within there lives.
When we have suppressed material (events, trauma, unresolved emotions at an energy level) its like the glass is half to three quarters way full. We strive to do more to overcome this unease and so the glass is susceptible to over flowing when pressure comes in to our lives. This over flow can trigger panic or a feeling of overwhelming or inability to cope.
The tension between the subconscious wanting the (bubble, energy, message, information) out /released and the surface minds desire to keep equilibrium, not to let anything out which may unsettle the client creates sometimes a crazy battle or conflict like an old married couple who push and pull silently to maintain their position. Clients may adopt many strategies to manage this unconscious conflict with many kinds of behaviours from the mild to the extreme to keep this conflict at bay. Often times the methods of coping consume ever increasing amounts of time energy and effort to hold it all together sometimes feeling like they’re on a cliff edge at times.
That’s one kind of trapped unresolved trauma that may produce a panic attack. No matter what kind of trauma is trapped the subconscious is always projecting outside of the person seeking itself. For example the person in what they say, things they do may make unconscious references to that which is suppressed.
In a safe space and environment the part of us that froze the trauma will gradually allow it to the surface at the right time, at the right place and often having found the right person it recognises understands its nature.
Children and teens can also absorb Pain, Suffering, trauma and unresolved grief from adults around them. This can result in the crazy scenario of children and adults experiencing traumatic feelings and all manner of other emotions with no obvious signs of the source. Many therapists then look to get clients to fix the symptoms without ever themselves recognising the trapped energy pattern and trauma underneath sending the client down a long road without ever experiencing the stunning freedom of free flowing emotions as described above.
There are very few people in the world who understand the nature of energetic bubbles and imprints because the are essentially invisible and you have to have experienced this in order to perceive it in another and as a therapist resolve (free it) in that person. The trauma /trapped emotion needs to be understood in order to be permanently resolved. Analytic hypnotherapy by someone with the experience to understand what’s happening can be of great help.
People who specialise in emotional body work are experts in this kind of thing.
Bert Hellinger was a guy who understood this embedded invisible imprinted trauma work and although sometimes controversial its because the dynamics of this aren’t logical or visible to the naked eye but are as real as the ground under your feet.
Above all no one needs to experience panic attacks as a long term inhibition to their unlimited enjoyment of life. With the right person, the right approach you can expect not only to just have your life minus the panic but your life back with anything up to 70 % or more energy, joy, happiness, enthusiasm, peace, connectedness, love, joy etc than you were experiencing before. You deserve to have all that happiness. Don’t suffer one moment more than you have too.