Paul Sullivan

Paul Sullivan

Inspire Life Change

A beautiful testimonial from a beautiful client many years ago who graced me with her trust in choosing to work through some complex unconscious issues ~ Paul.

“I was unearthing painful emotions a few months ago with the help of a hypnotherapist when my acute distress gave way to an unexpected state of total calm and bliss, such as I had never experienced before. Following the session (and so no longer in a trance state) this feeling of bliss persisted.

It accompanied me as I walked to the station to catch the train home; every bush, flower, house and shop-sign I passed was like the first I had ever seen. I studied them all with incredulity, the colours more vibrant than ever before.
I stood on the platform in the early evening sunshine as a sea of commuters parted and swept along on either side of me. I remember feeling that if I were to stand in that spot forever I couldn’t be any happier.

The intensity diminished over the course of the evening but I was left with a certainty that I’d experienced life from another place, another viewpoint or another self I’d been previously unaware of.

By stilling my mind (easier said than done!) I have since been able to return to this state of peace and well being, albeit to a less intense version than that experienced during that first revelation. I’ve also been spontaneously overtaken on occasions, fleetingly, by an overwhelming feeling that all is well.

This didn’t begin for me as a spiritual quest but as a medical one. It has taken me in a different, and more significant, direction than I’d anticipated. Whether we might call it a ‘gleam divine’ I don’t know. I feel it is a glimpse of my natural state that has been buried for a good many years.

I’ve come to learn, as a result of subsequent experience (albeit limited), that it isn’t necessarily a question of inhabiting one state of consciousness (the everyday) or the other (the deeper, spiritual) but that it is possible to straddle these two states to allow everyday activities to be guided by this original vision. (And here’s where I’m in danger of being taken for a lunatic, going about my business with a broad smile on my face!). I’m finding this a pretty exciting and potentially life-changing realisation.

I share your perception of a ‘spiritual sense which needs to be acknowledged and nurtured if we are to remain sane’. It seems to me to be about making the space and creating sufficient stillness in order to be receptive to this guidance coming from within.
Perhaps we might beware, as individuals, of being too cerebral as it seems that too much mind activity serves as an obstacle to being receptive to this subtle inner guidance”. ~ H. B.

From a Library in Italy

We Are The World

It’s a misconception to think we can open to or close our hearts against the world. WE ARE the world thus we can and do only ever open or close our hearts to ourselves, opening to or blocking ourselves from all our hearts wishes, wants, desires, joys, elation, ecstasy, abundance and well being.

we are the world

At its core is a wounding of our innate wholeness and felt worth, that we are valuable enough, that we are worth our own love….and the love of another which is really our own projected selves.

We lay the power to love or reject us as a burden onto another as a reflection of our own divided selves. This is an unfair burden on our love partner who themselves can only bear the burden of their own return to wholeness reflected in our loving selves.

Perceived hurt and wounding causes us to close…to our own selves with our resulting anger at ourselves for feeling we are not enough, causing us to project our hurt onto others in blame and defence against our own fears while our sadness causes us to withdraw from the world and to hide from ourselves in a multitude of ways.

Find the hurt that’s hurting you and hug it, love it, be with it, give it space, forgive it, forgive yourself and let your heart be free unto itself. This has nothing to do with anyone else”.


~ Paul Sullivan

God is love
Love is God
What in you that love’s IS your God
What loves what you love is God,
What you feel and do IS moved by or for this love, which is God
What you want is moved from love
Who you want is moved from your love
Who and what you want is moved By this love

Everything you do is in service of this love

What you love is God mirroring and reflecting , you guessed It, God

Your God, You’re God.

~ Paul Sullivan 2018

The Wonder Child Paul Sullivan
The Wonder Child
Paul Sullivan Spiritual Epigrams