Paul Sullivan


Is that why we run and strive for stuff, recognition, living the lives we do . . . . . . to keep us from the catastrophic realisation of the loss of our hearts and our art.

~ Paul, 9th December 2016

My child seeks to write, to understand deeply, to share and to touch and transform lives.

My protective fearful mind subtly says no one will understand or see value, it’s a waste of time, its not a good idea to trust others so much with such vulnerable disclosure.

~  Paul Sullivan.

The hymn let it be ,isn’t saying goes let it be as in leave it alone but more LET IT BE – into being – by BEING IT. Speak what you want, let it be and be it right now.

~ Paul Sullivan

You can afford to be gentle ~ Paul Sullivan

I was asked by an Italian man at an Italian social event “You have been illuminated by something? What is it?” What to say? How to answer such a statement and question.

Arona Italy Paul Sullivan

Love is a vibration. Live within it or without it. What brings you to this peak is borne of the things that elevate your soul but ultimately I believe by that one who is your soul.

~ Paul Sullivan

The things, people or circumstances that bring up the deepest pain within you also bring the seeds to the greatest freedoms you have even known. Stick with it.
~ Paul Sullivan

The biggest cause of any problems we may have in all respects ultimately comes from withholding our love, from ourselves, from others. from expressing our joys, from feeling our love, from telling others the truth of our love for them. 

Truly it is all about us. It begins and ends here. Feeling our own love and joy for ourselves and or another shouldn’t be and isn’t conditional on anyone else’s opinion or on how they feel about us.

We get to choose who and what we love without exception.

Don’t worry about needing to love everyone and all. Get this one thing set within yourself and you will be a fountain of love and well being from which all can draw reflection and inspiration without demand or obligation on you or any effort on your part to be anything to anyone and which will never run dry for you will have become one with the source of all things and it with you.

~ Paul Sullivan

Fear is just the dashboard light sign that says we’ve gone off-line with our hearts.

(trust, love, flow, faith, certainty, absence of doubt of love, value, worth, worthiness, attractiveness, desirability).

~ Paul Sullivan

On a random Sunday afternoon in Italy, by the fountain

Let your energy be its own architect, orchestrator and orchestra. You do not need to go outside of yourself. Do not chase, do not be led. You need only follow your own lead. Live for yourself.

It is always just as important in every respect to notice when someone has left you as it is to notice when YOU have left yourself!

No matter what your mind tells you, opening your heart to yourself IS the quickest route to everything that you want.

In solitude, the unseen world, perceived through a quiet heart offers all her secrets for those who wish to see, know and understand.

~ Paul Sullivan


Find that one who can love you and is heart and life available to love you as you need to be loved. Love them with everything you’ve got. Do not compromise. Do not waste time. Do not play with anyone’s heart. Do not allow yours to be played with. 

The people who can love you like a tsunamis are right in front of you. Let them in. Do not waste time on potential. Say yes to those who have worked hard on their own hearts to stand right in front of you, here, now today. 

Those whose hearts are wide open, who want you as much as they want themselves, those who want what you are because they’ve refined such, their ability to recognise you and know instantly that you are the one, the only one, only because they have spent years looking for you in their own souls. 

Wide open hearts, who know what they want, who are whole, embodied masculine & feminine, fluid & free souls with the sun in their eyes and a ferocity to their loving. Choose them, do not waste time, Do not compromise. Do not repeat patterns of the past.

~Paul Sullivan

“There is something about the sea that elevates my mind, my soul and my souls vision for higher warmer and better things ” ~ Paul Sullivan

13:31hrs : 1st April 2024