Paul Sullivan
Toast Master Speeches

Toast Master Speeches

The Dream - Speech 1


My name is Paul Sullivan. I was born in Dublin.

in June 1967.

From the earliest time I can remember I was a fat kid.

Some people saw the world as black & white….

I saw the world as fat and thin….

In 1980 at 13 years old I had a serious phobia about spiders

which caused be to be pursuaded into going to a

then rare Hypnotist/psychotherapist ……..

in an old house that looked like a castle.

The incentive for going was a half day off school afternoon and a driving lesson on the beach afterward.

After 3 sessions the phobia had evaporated and the subsequent sessions used to teach me about…. the deeper mind ,

life energy & the power ,use and control of the imagination

I learned about the nature of the mind …of the power of the subconscious…Of a faithful servant and

I learned the language of the subconscious mind …….

of a love being loving me for myself…..

listening and delivering ….. my every wish and command like a sort of GENIE…..

I still have those session Tapes …30 years later and they are as Relevant and timeless today as they were then.

I finished those sessions feeling like I owned the world………… I dreamed of being thin.

I dreamed of cars …of Bruce Lee and Rocky Balboa ….The dukes of Hazard …of CHIP’S and the California highway patrol….Of James Bond and his Aston Martin…..Of Leading the St Patricks day riding the Police Motorbike….of Parachute Jumps and windsurfing …..I Dreamed of being Thin…..

This dream and the knowledge given to me to bring it about led that 14 year old to run everyday for 4 months…. from that first 100metre collapse to running a full 13 miles without stopping just 4 months later. I had lost 3 ½ stone.

I Had learned to dream . To envision outcomes that had not yet materialised. To be able to suspend current reality long enough to Dream something new. …To let the energy of the dream Inspire action. …Not to logic …Just to follow the feeling …and to have trust in what felt right.

I bought this car magazine ……in 1990 …………………THE LAUNCH OF THE FORD SIERRA RS COSWORTH and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck and my heart rate soared .

This was my dream car and I knew I wanted one . It cost 30,000 pounds at a time when houses where I lived cost 15,000 .


  • The Ford Ad with the theme music from Miami vice still makes the hair stand up on the back of my head

-At the time I read that magazine…. I worked for

a Supermarket specialist in fresh food.

-On a weekend away in Killarney I had the most delicious roast beef and coleslaw sandwich I had ever tasted .

  • I dreamed of my own sandwich shops

  • selling that wow sandwich & coffee experience.

  • My boss had taught me enthusiasm is an energy and I already knew the power of focus

-2 years later I was working for myself making those sandwiches and selling Italian specialist coffee….The goal of 50 sandwiches a week became sales OF 1000’s of sandwiches a week .

-I used to envision people queing out the door for my sandwiches and every sandwich I sold I saw sierra cosworths.

-Even our Cat was called Cosworth

That sandwich company I started from nothing made millions of those WOW sandwiches and cups of coffee ….AND …bought me 3 of those Sierra Cosworths.

The moral of that story is :





  • YOUR dream will find its own way.